Radeya Global

Why it is important to maintain good relations with former employers and colleagues

The importance of maintaining good relations with former employers and colleagues cannot be stressed enough. The benefits to both personal and professional wellbeing are many.

1. Studies show that networking is the best way to find a job. In fact, most job seekers obtain jobs through networking. Provisions Group says “Research shows that 70% of jobs are never published publicly, and up to 80% of jobs are filled through personal and professional connections.”

Your former employers and colleagues are your network. These can be your door to a new job as you can be to theirs. Even many years down the line, your network of former colleagues, managers, and employers can lead to the opportunity to a new job. And with the years, this network will likely grow, thus increasing the professional opportunities.

2. Source of references. At some point in your life, you will need references for some purpose. It could be for a new job you are applying to, an education program, or for some type of licensing. You may need to turn to your employers or coworkers for references. Specifically, some programs require professional references or non-family references. Your network of former employers and coworkers is especially valuable for those.

3. It is good to have a social network of like minded people that you connect with from time to time. Socialization is necessary for human beings. And people benefit from being able to socialize with people of the same professional level and with similar interests and goals. When you connect with and socialize with someone who has the same professional interests as you, it is good for both professional growth and personal wellbeing.

Connecting with your professional network can bring feelings of positivity and increase professional motivation and confidence. This is especially true when the engagement is in-person.

Thus, an extensive professional network can benefit you in many ways. As you progress in your career, work toward building your professional network and have good relationships with current and former employers and coworkers. The key to building a social / professional network is reaching out to them and engaging with them regularly, not just when you need something.


Written by Kokab Rahman.

Follow Kokab Rahman on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter.

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