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How to ensure productivity and overcome procrastination

Feeling unproductive? You are not alone. Procrastination is on the rise, say researchers.

Why people procrastinate

There are several reasons why someone might procrastinate. One reason is not seeing progress or results. When people don’t see results to their actions, they lose motivation. This can be a brief loss of motivation or long-term.

Another reason for procrastination is that the task seems too difficult to achieve. Yet another cause is easy access to distraction. Combining distraction with loss of motivation is a productivity disaster.

Continuous procrastination can turn into a habit of spending hours on activities that keep a person busy but don’t result in anything productive. An example is time wasted watching TV or mindless scrolling on social media. In fact, many productivity problems society faces today are symptoms of demotivation from feeling unaccomplished or feeling one’s life is not going anywhere.

Many productivity problems society faces today are symptoms of demotivation from feeling unaccomplished or feeling one’s life is not going anywhere.

How to overcome procrastination

The solution to overcoming procrastination is to end the habit of mindless time wasting.

When loss of motivation results in mindless unproductive activities, it can become a regular habit. The person may find themselves engaging in unproductive activities that keep them busy from the time they wake up to late at night. It can even affect one’s sleeping and eating habits. All of these have the potential to make a person feel bad about themselves. Unproductive habits negatively affect a person’s mood and mindset.

To end the cycle of mindlessness, ensure to do at least one productive task every day. This should be something that helps you reach the goals you’ve set for yourself. It can be a learning task or an income / performance task.

Feeling unproductive? Ensure to do at least one productive task every day. ~ Kokab Rahman

By ensuring to do one productive task every day, you break the cycle of procrastination. This makes a person feel accomplished and in control. It gives the person the feeling of satisfaction from being productive. This incentivizes them to be more productive, and creates an environment of motivation.

Whenever you find yourself going toward procrastination, break the cycle by ensuring to do one productive task every day.


Written by Kokab Rahman.

Follow Kokab Rahman on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter.

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