Radeya Global

Have your CV and cover letter professionally written

Have your CV and cover letter professionally written using standard business English and succeed in your job search! Each CV and cover letter is individually prepared after a thorough consultation with the client and according to specifications provided by the client. Each CV and cover letter is unique and original: Your CV and cover letter will never employ the same language as another because we don’t use form letters or ‘copy-and-paste’ techniques; each CV and cover letter is individually written. Thus your CV and cover letter don’t risk being overlooked by the hiring manager. They will stand out from the rest of CVs and cover letters as original documents, making an effective first impression. Furthermore, being prepared by highly qualified native English professionals, your CV and cover letter are guaranteed to be error-free.

Experienced Professional’s CV: AED 300
Simple 1 Page CV: AED 150
Cover letter Editing: AED 100
Cover letter writing: AED 200

Student and new graduates (college or high school) are entitled to 50% discount upon showing their student ID or graduation degree.

Terms and conditions apply.

For more information, please visit http://www.radeya.biz or call us today.


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