Radeya Global

Excited About the Possibilities the New Year Can Bring?

New Year’s resolutions have become the norm. The excitement of the New Year gets us into the spirit of change and improvement.​ A New Year brings so many possibilities, doesn’t it? ​You have the whole year to work on your resolution​. So many things can be done. So much can be accomplished! However, if you are like most, your New Year’s resolution will probably be forgotten in a few weeks. This is the norm. ​

But you can make sure that resolutions don’t become ​just​ a ​New Year tradition for you with no other meaning. 

Here’s how:

  • Set a time plan and tie your resolution with a near future event or ​occasion. Got a trip planned in the near future? Aim to accomplish your goal by the date you are travelling. have an upcoming birthday or anniversary? attach your aim to that. Trying to lose weight or complete a project? Plan to do so by the time you are travelling.​​
  • Make it short term – instead of setting goals ​to be accomplished in the coming year, set a short term plan consisting of goals you intend to accomplish in, say, the first three months or the first two weeks.
  • ​​Divide and conquer – divide your goal into smaller parts, set a time frame for each, and complete each task individually. You want to get certification? Divide the task into parts and set a time frame for each bit. As an example, you can have something similar to the following: first week of January : sign up​ with the institute,  ​Jan 15 : get books for study, March 15 : complete study for part 1, Mar 31: complete revision, Apr 2: take part 1 exam, Apr 15: start working on part 2, Etc.
  • ​​Start immediately -​ Don’t wait for the excitement to cool off. ​ ​You want to get certification and your aim is to do so in the coming year? While your enthusiasm  is still high during the new year excitement, begin the process. Join the certification institution, making the required payment immediately  (say on Jan 1 or 2)! By making a monetary investment, you’ll be more inclined to try to reach your goal.
  • ​​Do things to keep your enthusiasm high – network with others having a similar goal​. Go to events or​ job​ fairs​. Read professional material that keeps you motivated.​ If you’re looking for a job, find job​ ​fairs and attend them​. Go to networking events and get professional training / CPEs. Work on your CV and cover letter.

The aim of these things is to keep you motivated and enthusiastic about your goal even after the new year fervor ends. By staying motivated and having your goal in sight throughout, you will be more likely to work at accomplishing your goals instead of forgetting your New Year’s resolution with the New Year!

​Have a prosperous New Year!

Radeya Global – Providing quality, personalized career services. For details about our services, see http://www.radeya.biz



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