Radeya Global

Are you looking for work but are unsuccessful

Here are a few tips that you can use to improve job search results:

  1. Have a professional CV prepared – Your CV should provide important information about your experience, education, and skills at a glance and shouldn’t require a lot of time or effort from the recruiter. It should be written in an impressive manner and shouldn’t contain any grammatical or detail errors. Preferred length is 1-2 pages. You should have a separate CV for each job type that you are applying to instead of using one generic CV for all job applications.
  2. Prepare a brief cover letter to include in the job application or email. This should outline your skills and qualifications and show how you fit the job that you are applying to.
  3. Prepare a portfolio showing previous work that you’ve done. This can be a print or online portfolio or both. A link to your online portfolio should be included in your CV and cover letter. 
  4. Use LinkedIn and other social media to increase your social network and to apply for jobs. Don’t announce to each new contact that you are searching for work. Instead, use these platforms to make friends and increase relationships. Also use social media to search for and apply to jobs that are relevant to your qualifications.
  5. Join a few groups or forums related to your job or profession and participate actively on them. In this way you can show your expertise.   
  6. Have a number of positive references ready that you can use when applying for jobs. These should be individuals who have worked with you and can attest to the quality of your work.
  7. If you have no work experience or experience in a particular area, try volunteering.
  8. Apply to jobs through job fairs which allow you to communicate directly with recruiters. Use your social network to get information about jobs before the jobs are advertised in the classifieds.
  9. Go to walk-in interviews whenever you can. This will help open up opportunities and also enable you to get interview experience.
  10. Prepare for interviews in advance, rehearsing what you will say. Bring a copy of your CV and your portfolio, even if you emailed them to the recruiter already. 

Finally, when applying for work through email, only send your CV and cover letter. Leave other documents for the physical interview. Never send identification documents (passport copy, etc.) via email unless you trust the recipient.


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