Radeya Global

Time Management Tips for Job Seekers

If you are job hunting, managing time is important.

This applies especially to those who are unemployed and looking for work, but also to people who have a job and are looking for alternative work, either a full time job or self-employed work.

If you are currently not working, it’s easy to get sidetracked with things like staying up at night, sleeping in late, social media and pastime activities (tv, movies, etc.), and friends and partying. If you are employed or a full time student, work and studies take up a lot of your time. This leaves little time (and energy) for other activities, especially job hunting.

Having a disorganized schedule negatively affects what you are able to achieve, in terms of the progress you can make to upgrade your life and career. Not only that but a disorganized time schedule causes negative feelings and loss of motivation. You may feel a loss of control over your life and lack of energy and motivation for important tasks, such as job searching and taking care of your health.

Having a disorganized schedule negatively affects what you are able to achieve, in terms of the progress you can make to upgrade your life and career.

For this reason, it’s important to be organized with your time and not spend it mindlessly.

Here are some things you can do to manage your time:

  • Start each day productively by making your bed, self-care, and exercise.
  • Create a schedule for routine tasks such as when to go to sleep, when to wake up, going to the gym, and how many times you eat in a day, and stick to it.
  • Limit daily usage of the internet and social media.
  • Limit time spent on pastime activities and socializing with friends to a few hours once a week.
  • Prioritize important tasks.
  • Set daily and weekly goals.
  • Set reminders to remind you of important tasks, such as phone notifications or a post it note.
  • Decide how many jobs you will apply to per week and ensure this task gets done early in the week.
  • Don’t allow yourself to be housebound, which can result in a haphazard schedule. Spend some time productively outdoors, such as relaxing and meditating in the park for a few hours.
  • Keep yourself motivated by listening to positive affirmations and motivational content.


Written by Kokab Rahman.
Follow Kokab Rahman on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter.
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#Time, #Timemanagement, #jobsearch, #stressmanagement, #goalsetting, #productivity, #levelup


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