Radeya Global

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Every month we feature job seekers to help them find jobs they love. Recruiters and hiring managers can get in touch with job seekers through Radeya Global.

To get this free service, purchase any of our career services. Available services are: Executive Career Optimization and CV / Resume Optimization, Career Guidance and consultation, Custom Cover Letter Writing

senior tech professional job search case study

Dawood J.

Experience Level:


Senior IT Professional with more than 15 years’ work experience in multination corporations. Expert  in technical sales, pre- and post-sale support, troubleshooting, and staff training. Available for work on permanent and contract basis. Can work remotely and in-house.

To learn more or connect with tech expert Dawood* for a consultant or executive level email customer720172@radeya.biz 


*Name changed upon customer’s request.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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