Do you have the right combination of skills for optimal results?

Do you want to fly in your career? You can if you have the right combination of skills for your job. There are 2 types of skills: Soft skills (personal skills) are personal attributes and communication skills such as punctuality, money management, teamwork, and personal habits. Soft skills are internal...

Unemployed? It doesn’t mean the end of the world.

Being out of work for a long time can negatively affect your job search. Employers ​​might wonder if you still have the skills needed to do the job. Since jobs are constantly evolving and skills needed to do the same job changing, it is highly likely that

Convey your skills correctly to get the job you want

There are two types of skills. Soft skills (personal skills) are personal attributes and communication skills such as teamwork and cooperation, money management, punctuality, organization, and personal habits. Soft skills are internal and affect the quality of your work and how you interact with co-workers. Hard skills (technical skills) refer...

New Job Opportunities at Target (USA)

Do you have leadership skills and want to work in retail? These jobs at Target may be for you: Target is one of the largest retail corporations in USA, with branches and business globally, including online stores. It is one of S&P 500 companies. Target employs 350,000 workers. The company...


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